Aprovecho para preguntaros... ¿Qué os parece la nueva imagen de "Menos es Más? ¿Os gusta? Creo que, cada vez, voy encontrandome más agusto entre las cuatro paredes de este blog. ¿Y vosotros? (Aviso: ¡Sed pacientes! Aún estamos de reforma)

[A few months ago I wrote about strippes in deco and had in mind to write another entry more on decorating with polka dots but I suffered "the big break" and I could not. I find out that polka dots are used for fabrics and much more on small details but it was hard to find them decorating the entire room. I show you what I found:]
Esta primera foto me parece espectacular, creo que puede ser tremendamente impactante para un rincón, un baño pequeño, un toque, sin más... no pequemos por exceso... Me gusta el contraste de los lunares grandes con los otros más pequeños...
[This first photo shows a decoration that can be extremely cozy for a corner, a small bathroom, a simple touch,... less is more... I like the contrast of poka dots with smaller ones...]
Y... ¿Qué os parece esta entrada? Puedo imaginarme el resto de la casa solo con ver el vestibulo. Los lunares de colores y la sencillez de mobiliario hacen que esta entrada incite a quedarse ¿verdad? [And... What do you think about this hallway? I can imagine the rest of the house only by having a look of the lobby. The spots full of colours and the simplicity of the room make me feel comfortable]
Por último, me gustaría enseñaros el maravilloso cabecero de este dormitorio... Me parece masculino por los colores elegidos pero creo que es una estancia muy, muy elegante. ¿Os habéis fijado que todos los textiles y colores de las paredes va en liso y solo destaca el estampado a lunares del cabecero? ¡Me gusta! ;) [Finally, I would teach you this wonderful bedroom headboard ... I think the colors chosen are very masculines and I think it stayed very, very elegant. Have you noticed that all fabrics and colors of the walls goes on smooth and only highlights the polka dot pattern of the headboard? I love it! ;)]
Y como año nuevo, vida nueva.... comenzamos a traducir "Menos es Más" al inglés a modo de bienvenida a todos los lectores extranjeros (que los hay). ¡Bienvenidos!
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I have to accept it, I'm a fan of "Reforma Sorpresa" a spanish tv program with a little strange timetable that obligued me to follow it in Internet. I hope that if they see this post they valorate to change the timetable of this program in order to see this good program about design instead other programs that are a bit awful :s
But let me talk about design. I love all the programs that are about design reforms and ven more when there is a "before and after." So far I have only seen it in international tv channels ("While you where out") and I like that in Spain someone has copied the format. The reforms carried out are great although, sometimes, the result is too shocking that is far enough from the style of the rest of the house :D
New year, new life .... So today I begin to translate all the "Less is more" posts into English to welcome all foreign readers (yes! they exist ;).